Monday, October 20, 2008

Update on Waddell's Peyton's procedure went fine Friday. We will know more in 4-6 months but we are hopeful and know that this buys us more time for her to outgrow it. She flew thru (actually did in her drugged up mind) the surgery and wasn't even sick this time. We are so thankful to her doctors and modern day technology that makes the deflux even possible. The reason I posted Riley when I am talking about Peyton is because Friday was make up day for pictures and because of the procedure she didn't get to make hers up (the first was fine but didn't capture the Riley we know and love). Her Grandpa Ooh Ooh stayed with her and Grayson (thank you Grandpa Ooh Ooh) and I didn't think he wanted to be responsible for fixing her hair. So that is why I posted this picture for all to see the smile that I love that reaches all the way to her eyes.
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Thursday, October 9, 2008

Peyton- The New Dora!!

Well it has happened again. I was helping someone do something and Riley brought me some hair. At first I thought that Peyton had cut the barbie's hair then I noticed that there was more on the table. I asked Peyton did you cut your hair. She nodded. I didn't yell (which if you remember when Riley and Grayson did theirs I freaked out) I just told her we don't cut hair and she sobbed. Well we had to run to drop Riley off at gymnastics and pick up Grayson at PDM so I didn't have time to fix it. When I got home I used the sharpest scissors I had and cut it all off. Peyton beamed as I did it bcause she wanted to be Dora for halloween and now we don't have to use the wig. She keeps telling she has Dora hair. Well we have had a stressful week that really put into perspective what is important and chopping off all her hair is nothing in the big picture. Sarah I miss that you are gone and not able to fix her hair- I def. did not cut it as well as you would have. Thought this would make the grandparents smile
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Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Thumbs Up!

When my kids do something good we do thumbs up. Well when Grayson got an award at school she gave him the thumbs up for great job. She loves Grayson so much and has such enthusiasm for life- I think this picture captured Riley's love for life!

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A tent for conference

A friend told us that they put up a tent in their home for the kids to listen to conference. They thought it was a great day. As I look at these 3 precious children I am just so thankful for them and to what they bring to my life (yes alot of tired days but so much joy!). I just need to always remember how lucky we are!
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Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Thank You Grandma!

I need to first off thank my grandma for this doll
that Peyton loves; however, does she have to be this big!!!! She goes in the car with us and had her own seat (have I mentioned I carpool and seats are a hot comodity??? Peyton loves dolls and truly I love this doll but today I had 5 littl girls and Emily in the car and trying to keep her clean...
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