Thursday, October 9, 2008

Peyton- The New Dora!!

Well it has happened again. I was helping someone do something and Riley brought me some hair. At first I thought that Peyton had cut the barbie's hair then I noticed that there was more on the table. I asked Peyton did you cut your hair. She nodded. I didn't yell (which if you remember when Riley and Grayson did theirs I freaked out) I just told her we don't cut hair and she sobbed. Well we had to run to drop Riley off at gymnastics and pick up Grayson at PDM so I didn't have time to fix it. When I got home I used the sharpest scissors I had and cut it all off. Peyton beamed as I did it bcause she wanted to be Dora for halloween and now we don't have to use the wig. She keeps telling she has Dora hair. Well we have had a stressful week that really put into perspective what is important and chopping off all her hair is nothing in the big picture. Sarah I miss that you are gone and not able to fix her hair- I def. did not cut it as well as you would have. Thought this would make the grandparents smile
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reesespeanutbuttercups said...

Very cute. I just told her today that her hair was getting long. I hope that didn't make her cut it.

Lorena said...

She is the cutest Dora EVER!:-)

The Snow Queen said...

Dora rocks! Vamanos! Lets go. I'm glad to hear/read her surgery went well. Having things done on kids is scary.